

Puesto de doctorado disponible

[gdlr_core_space height=”30px”] We are looking for a PhD student candidate to join Diego Orzaez´s lab at the IBMCP-CSIC in Valencia, Spain, with a three years “Santiago Grisolía” scholarship. The successful candidate will work in the Plant Biofactories field, in the frame of the H2020 “Newcotiana” project. The PhD project will involve the development of new […]

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Primera reunión anual de Newcotiana

[gdlr_core_space height=”30px”] Newcotiana 1st Annual meeting  was held on 5 – 6 march 2019 hosted by the PGB Research group of the IBMCP (CSIC-UPV) at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. The meeting was attended by 46 attendees with representatives of all participating institutions and the Advisory Board. In addition to NEWCOTIANA internal reunions, the meeting […]

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Biofábricas de plantas en la era de la ingeniería del genoma

[gdlr_core_space height=”30px”] Plants have been traditionally used as sustainable sources of valuable bioproducts, from aromas to medicines. New breeding techniques as CRISPR/Cas editing, in the context of a deeper understanding of plant genomes, open new opportunities for plant biofactories. Which new products can we expect to be produced in plants in the future? How is […]

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Newcotiana se acerca a las generaciones jóvenes

[gdlr_core_space height=”30px”] As part of the dissemination activities NEWCOTIANA partners from CSIC have been leading an  initiative sponsored by Fundació Bosch i Cardellach, in collaboration with Sabadell Municipality (Catalunya, Spain), that has as a main objective to get local  citizens acquainted with the methods scientists use to acquire knowledge. Following the “Christmas Lectures” organized by […]

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